Our story begins with the love of land

Akka  is a Palestinian brand aiming to promote Palestinian Agri-products to the world, Akka  is focused on sourcing quality Palestinian agri-products such as; Medjoul Dates, Thyme, Sage, Tahini, Halva, Olive Oil, and other special Palestinian products to the European Markets, Akka  works closely with farmers, packing houses, factories, and artisan manufacturers of Palestinian Products, to provide premium quality and healthy foods to the served markets. Our Values are about Sourcing Palestinian product, and Empowering families and farmers from marginalized areas

Our vision & mission:

Our Vision is to expand the Palestinian export Markets, and to Reach with our basket of Medjoul Dates, Olive oil, Thyme, among other products to new buyers in new territories. Our Mission is to Introduce Palestinian pure tasteful flavors to your table, knowing that together by buying Palestinian we support the resilience of the communities in the Jordan Valley, and other marginalized and underserved communities.

Our main Markets

Europe, Gulf countries, and The Far East